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[News] Spain resizes women's clothingViews: 584
Jan 26, 2007 12:00 pm[News] Spain resizes women's clothing#

Meera Mittal

Spain resizes clothes for women
By Pascale Harter
BBC News, Barcelona

Mannequins in a Spanish lingerie shop
Mannequins are likely to be made in more realistic sizes
Spain is to overhaul its clothing sizes for women as part of a government drive to ease pressure on young girls over their body size.

There are fears that efforts to conform could be leading to eating disorders.

The move follows Spain's ban of ultra-thin models on the catwalk during Madrid fashion week last September.

Among the range of measures being introduced in Spain to address the body image issue, is an agreement that shop window mannequins should get larger.

It is a source of frustration for customers and shop assistants alike that in Spain women tend to go into the changing rooms with an armful of different sizes never knowing which one will fit this time or whether any will fit at all.

Survey of sizes

But by 2008 those days could be over. Spain's biggest fashion retailers have bowed to government pressure to standardise their sizes and reflect the real size of Spain's growing population.

For the first time the National Consumer Institute will measure Spanish females - more than 8,000 of them to be exact - between the ages of 12 and 70.

Spanish fashion houses will then try to fit them, rather than the other way round.

They have also agreed to decorate their shop windows with slightly bigger mannequins.

The health ministry described the current ones as unreal dolls of alien dimensions, which it sees as directly encouraging eating disorders such as anorexia.
The move is likely to affect women and girls all over the world as international brands such as Mango and Zara have signed up to the agreement.

Meera Mittal | Fashion Designer & Consultant
Seam Network: http://tinyurl.com/cpqj3
Ryze Profile: www.ryze.com/go/meeramt

Private Reply to Meera Mittal

Jan 27, 2007 7:02 amre: [News] Spain resizes women's clothing#

Prithi Venkateshwar
hi Meera

Thank u for the info, its a gd update


Private Reply to Prithi Venkateshwar

Jan 31, 2007 4:29 amre: [News] Spain resizes women's clothing#

Tia Primova
This is an interesting article. I am originally from Bulgaria and everyone there is a walking skeleton. It is so unhealthy. It is unreal. I believe in being slim but healthy and fit. Today's models are just ridicules. We have 45 kg women with double Ds silicon boobs and not a real part on their face. What has the world come to (:

Best Regards,

Tia Primova
Creative Director, Owner

Private Reply to Tia Primova

Jan 31, 2007 12:52 pmre: re: [News] Spain resizes women's clothing#

Meera Mittal


It's simply shocking and appauling to hear that women in Bulgaria look so unnatural. Besiders being unreal it is very unhealthy!

Such news is a step in the right direction. And hopefully more countries will take note and make amends.

Warm regards,


Meera Mittal | Fashion Designer & Consultant
Seam Network: http://tinyurl.com/cpqj3

Private Reply to Meera Mittal

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